Acting: Week 10
(October 21-25, 2024)
Important topics/terms/instructions are in RED.
Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.
Ms. Price provides ALL learning for absent students in a self-directed format.
If absent, read & understand/complete each of the day's activities below. You are EXPECTED to do so BEFORE returning to class.
Day 1: A Character's / Obstacles / Tactics
1.) Reviewed: When building a character for monologue performance...
Step #1: Analyze the character's background (What do they bring to the scene from their past?)
Step #2: Determine your character's Present/Given Circumstances (Where are they NOW in the scene and how are feeling, or what are they thinking about, in THIS moment? What do they want to do to the person with whom they are speaking WITH THESE WORDS?)
Step #3: Make choices to SHOW your character PHYSICALLY, based on the above information. (Skills already taught/practiced in class include: Laban Movement, Leading Center, Physicalizing verbs)
2.) Watched a video (KP's Theatre Class - Characterization) and took notes in Google Classroom CLASS NOTES. If absent, complete this learning before next class.
3.) Ms. Price demonstrated (with students) how to break their monologue into "beats" (chunks that show a shift in character intention) and SHOW the different wants/intentions of the character/scene.
Ms. Price encouraged actors to alter their posture/pose in those beat change moments to "feel"/show the shift in their character's intention.
Ms. Price had actors assign "verbs" to each beat (chunk).
Example: My character is trying TO _________ the other character with the words they're saying in this chunk of action. (Write "to [verb] in the margins)
If absent, watch this video (up to 4:22): Scoring a Scene. This video will help explain some of what Ms. Price taught in class. After watching, be sure to mark your beats (shifts in intention) and "verbs" for each time your character's want/intention SHIFTS in your script/monologue.)
4.) Learned about & analyzed characters' super-objectives, wants, obstacles, & tactics
super-objective = what your character wants most in life
wants = what your character wants to do TO the other character with their words
obstacles = who or what is getting in the way of (preventing) your character from getting what they want
tactics = what your character DOES to get what they want (when one tactic fails, often we - and characters - try new tactics)
If absent, watch: Intentions (Wants), Obstacles, & Tactics (Action) - 1 Minute Acting Lesson (This video will help to explain some of what Ms. Price taught in class. Respond in journal as described below.)
Acting PROCESS Journal in Google Classroom (week 9)
Journal Title: Personal Super-Objective
After watching the above video, list one thing (in your Google Classroom Process Journal) in your life that at your core you need/want (do NOT list a physical "thing"/object - go deeper). Describe an obstacle in your life that has prevented you (or could prevent you) from "getting" that core need. Describe what you are you willing to do (or what you've done) to get what you need/want?
5.) Ms. Price led students through guided rehearsal in order to determine (and rehearse with) your character's
Laban Movement
Intention / Wants (What are you trying to do TO the other charcter with these words?
Body posture (esp. at "intention shifts/changes")
Focus Point(s)
(and also how to "chunk" in order to more easily memorize)
Day 2: Stage Business
1.) Reviewed the grading Rubric for students' monologue performance. Click HERE. (This is how you will be graded...your grade is not based on how "well" you perform, but rather on how well you make/show your physical CHOICES and on your GROWTH for your character...so be sure to make strong choices and find meaningful ways to show them.) If absent: Be sure to read the rubric provided.
Note: IB 7's & 8's on the rubric are reserved for students who choose to perform entire monologue (and, of course, show strong character/physical choices)
2.) Reviewed what was learned last class about "shifts" in intention (or beats). Also reviewed character motivations/intentions expressed as verbs.
3.) Ms. Price led students in an activity to physicalize each "beat" change (shift in intention) for their monologues/characters.
4.) Learned about stage business (i.e. actions performed by an actor - other than blocking & often involving props - that give a character and/or scene more depth & believability)
Example: Louie shines his shoes during a scene when the boys ask uncle Louie to take them with him
Example: Grandma knits while the boys are saying goodbye
5.) Watched a scene from a movie version of Lost in Yonkers while observing the actors' Laban movement, Leading center, and stage business for the characters they were portraying. Discussed.
6.) Observed photos from when Adv. Acting performed Lost in Yonkers as a black box show. Discussed.
7.) Watched 3 different movie monologues & analyzed:
Who was the monologue TO?
What (specifically) did the actor do PHYSICALLY that made their character engaging & believable?
Did you observe leading center, Laban Movement, or Stage Business?
What does the actor/monologue/scene teach us about the HUMAN CONDITION?
8.) Rehearsed monologues.
Day 3: Character Analysis & Rehearsal
1.) Discussed course requirement of attending fall play and Summative Assignment: Review of a Live Theatre Performance
2.) Reviewed: When building a character for monologue performance...
Step #1: Analyze the character's background (What do they bring to the scene from their past?)
Step #2: Determine your character's Present/Given Circumstances (Where are they NOW in the scene and how are feeling, or what are they thinking about, in THIS moment? What do they want to do to the person with whom they are speaking WITH THESE WORDS?)
Step #3: Make choices to SHOW your character PHYSICALLY, based on the above information. (Skills already taught/practiced in class include: Laban Movement, Leading Center, Giving ACTION to a character's WANTS (actable verbs), Showing Shifts in Intention (beats), & Character Stage Business)
3.) Reviewed the grading Rubric for students' monologue performance. Click HERE. (You are graded on how you make/show your physical CHOICES for your character. If absent: Be sure to read the rubric provided.
Note: IB 7's & 8's on the rubric are reserved for students who choose to perform entire monologue (and, of course, show strong character/physical choices)
4.) Rehearsed monologues, with coaching by Ms. Price. Then rehearsed independently.
5.) Volunteers performed monologues and received written feedback by 2 students each. (If you did not perform today, be ready to perform next class.)
Day 4: Performance of Monologue
1.) Reviewed rubric (Click HERE.) Remember, you will be graded on your development of skills, including how you show your script's beats, your character verbs, and the physical choices you have made for your character Laban, Leading Center & Stage Business). Focus on these skills, NOT the lines. Be sure to rehearse "chunk by chunk" and the lines will "magically" become easy. :)
2.) Students performed monologues and received written feedback by 2 students each. (If you did not perform today, be ready to perform next class.)
MONOLOGUE RUBRIC (if ABSENT, be sure to read!):
Remember, you are graded on your DEVELOPMENT OF SKILLS. So put your time and energy into the SKILLS and the character choice-making PROCESS that is taught, guided, and modeled in class.
Click HERE for the Summative IB Rubric. This is how you will be graded.