Adv. Acting: Week 1
(April 20-24, 2020)
Creativity Demands Stillness & a "Sacred" Space
1.) Watch: "Welcome Back" video (above) for information on where we're going from here...
2.) "Poke Around": (Future) Advanced Acting PROCESS (click on boxes at the BOTTOM of the page)
As requested in the welcome video (above), please check out the webpages I've built to assist future Advanced Acting students through the LEARNING and PROCESS needed to design a show. If you're able, share any feedback you may have for me during our Zoom Class or by e-mail. (Note: You do not have to DO anything listed on the webpages. Please just "poke around" in one or more of the design areas if you have a chance.)
3.) Re-Read: Interview on Creativity
As explained/described in the welcome video (above), re-read the interview we had with Caleb on January 27. In light of what you're experiencing NOW, what stands out to you and why? Be prepared to discuss on Friday.
Journal: Creativity Interview (journal your thoughts after re-reading our interview)
4.) Define: Your "Creativity Place"
As explained/described in the welcome video (above), describe for us a physical PLACE where you feel most creative. Be prepared to share on Friday.
5.) Read: David Korin's "Key to Creativity"
Journal: A Key to Creativity (journal your thoughts while/after reading)
6.) Watch: Patton Oswalt Reveals What Keeps Creative People From Creating (5:06)
7.) Watch: Jenna Fischer Shares Important Advice for the Aspiring Artist (3:02)
Journal: Advice from Actors (journal your thoughts while/after watching)
8.) Prepare: Be ready for our Zoom Class on Friday. I will post the Zoom Access code by Friday a.m. on Haiku.
Come prepared on Friday: define your dominant FEELING about where you're/we're "at" in the world right now (your OWN feelings) share an IMAGE that comes to mind that is either figurative or a metaphor of where we're "at" in the world right now (optional) discuss what stood out to you when you revisited our interview with Caleb (in light of the place we're/you're in right now) share about your "creativity" space (WHERE you feel most creative) share any feedback from the new Adv. Acting webpages receive your first creativity assignment
Note: You will get directions for your first Creativity assignment at the Zoom Class on Friday.
For more information on the Adv. Acting monologue assignment given on Friday, see your assignment DESCRIPTION in Google Classroom.
Go Deeper (Optional): What creativity is trying to tell you (Jonathan Tilley at TEDx - start @ 2:18 to skip intro)
What I appreciate about the ideas in this video:
The idea shared that creativity is necessary and has needs
3 specific things that creativity NEEDS