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Acting:  Week 13
(November 15-19, 2021)



Day 1: (check back here after class to see how far we got today)

1.) Completed a Monologue Reflection in Google Classroom (if absent, be sure to do so before the end of the week).

2.) Reviewed the Play Review Assignment.  For specifics (task sheet, rubric, helpful videos, etc.) pertaining to this assignment, click HERE.


3.) Discussed the process of writing your play review.  (If absent, click and go to "In-Class Lessons about Review" at the bottom of the Play Review webpage. Click HERE.)

4.) Ms. Price introduced students of the details of our final acting project:  preparing and performing a SCRIPTED scene with a partner.  (To read/explore/choose a scripted scene, scroll to the bottom of this webpage. Scenes & partners must be chosen by Thursday, November 18.)  If absent, you must still choose a scene and partner by Thursday. Be sure to read the scenes at the bottom of this webpage.


5.)   Discussed:  How can you build believable interactions on stage with other actors?  Discussed how we're moving from building individual characters (monologues) to scenes (acting with others).

  • Participated in an introductory activity:  Wordless scenes (focus:  listening & reacting)

Day 2: 

1.) Learned about subtext (the unspoken meaning beneath the lines/text) and how important it is to developing a believable scene.

2.) Analyzed the subtext in the scene from the play, To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday  (If absent, be sure to read the play synopsis below before reading the linked scene above.  You need to read/understand this scene for future activities in class.  If you missed today's class, this scene was used to explain the concept of "a character's wants" which is also discussed in the teaching video below.)

A brief synopsis of the play, To Gillian...:

David loves his wife, Gillian. Unfortunately, she died two years prior (to this scene) in a boating accident. David deals with his overwhelming grief by continuing his romance with Gillian during nightly walks on a beach with her "ghost". While David lives in the past, other family problems crop up in the present/real world. Esther and Paul (David's sister-in-law & brother-in law) come for a visit to try to help Rachel (David's daughter), as David's neglect of his daughter and preoccupation with his late wife grows.  Rachel has lost her mother and needs her father to snap back into the real world to help her through her own loss and grief.  (Source)

3.) Learned about the  W's of script analysis:  

If absent, read/understand the following:

Step #1:  Analyze WHAT is going on (on the surface and beneath the surface)

Step #2:  Analyze WHY the scene is happening (What's important to show the audience about the RELATIONSHIP?)

Step #3:  Analyze WHERE the scene is taking place?  (What is the "set"?  You can't block a scene without knowing what your set is.)

Step #4:  Analyze how you can show the WANTS of the scene.  In acting, we determine a character's intentions/motivations/wants by assigning a VERB to what our character is trying to do TO another character with his/her words.  This concept is explained in the video below...

4.) Staged the scene To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday as a class, while analyzing/showing each character's wants. (Click scene title to read the scene.)

Day 3: (SUB TODAY!)

Go to Google Classroom, and click on "Sub Day" under week 13.  Follow all directions.

Day 4:



    (You will be required to choose a partner & a scene - read descriptions of each of the scenes/plays HERE)


     Scenes with 1  male & 1  female:

     Scenes with 2 females:

     Scenes with 2 males:

Important topics/terms/instructions are in RED.

Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.

Ms. Price provides ALL learning for absent students in a self-directed format.

If absent, read & understand/complete each of the day's activities below.  You are EXPECTED to do so BEFORE returning to class.

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