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Adv. Acting:  Week 3
(February 6-10, 2023)
Begin Script (Scenic) Analysis

DAY 1: Script & Collaboration Debrief

1.) Debrief: After reading the Adv. Acting black box show script (The 39 Steps - Abridged), Ms. Price and students debriefed on last week's Creative Collaboration activities, and also on the script.

  • What did you LIKE/LEARN from Creative Collaboration activities last week?

  • What ROLES did members of your group play in CREATING your piece?

  • In what ways do you feel your TASTE exceeded what you showed your audience?

  • What is the role of a director?

  • What is the role of a coach?

  • What is the role of an independent learner?

  • What practices did you do (as a CURIOUS LEARNER) when reading the script?

  • What did you FEEL when reading the script?

  • What did you LIKE when reading gate script? What do you think will be FUN?

  • Read the FIRST page again (or for the first time):  What did you LEARN?

  • (Does anyone want to change their preference about DESIGN TEAMS after reading the script?)

DAY 2: Script Exploration

1.) Participated in group activities while exploring the script (The 39 Steps - Abridged).

  • Group "Research":

    • Where does this play come FROM?  What versions preceded this script?​

    • What is the LITERARY style of the STORY?  (Not the style of the action of the script, but rather the style of the story itself when first written?)

    • What IS "the 39 steps" - not the script, but what does the term refer to?

    • What are the major PLOT POINTS in the whole script/story?

2.) Using the major plot points of the story, groups created a 2 minute performance version of The 39 Steps and performed for the class.  (Then played 60/30/10 using the major plot points.)

DAY 3: Scene-to-Scene (Script Analysis: Scenic Design Prep)

1.) Learned the 5 phases of a Director's Process that we, as a class, will be embarking on:

  1. Phase 1:  Script Analysis (includes script study, character study, design process, research, formulating a Director's Concept, etc.)

  2. Phase 2:  Collaboration Process (includes communication with, & organization of, teams that will be working on the show; includes sharing vision, style, design, etc.)

  3. Phase 3:  Audition & Casting Process

  4. Phase 4: Rehearsal Process

  5. Phase 5:  Dress / Tech / Performance (when show is turned over to the SM)

2.) Completed an activity in which groups were given sections of the script to...

  • Read, highlight, and record ANYTHING that would affect the scenic NEEDS/DESIGN of that scene (using any stated or implied information from the script)

    • Group 1:  pgs 1-10​

    • Group 2:  pgs 11-24

    • Group 3: pgs 25-40

    • Group 4: pgs 41-59

    • Group 5: pgs 60-68

DAY 4: Script Analysis (Scenic Design)

1.) Ms. Price passed out EXAMPLE of how to mine a script for scenic information (and also showed the class an example from her early reads of The Little Mermaid which you can see HERE).

2.) Discussed show date options (which the spring calendar is dictating):

  • Monday, May 1:  in-class rehearsal / after-school DRESS REHEARSAL

  • Tuesday, May 2:  in-class rehearsal / after-school DRESS REHEARSAL

  • Wednesday, May 3: in-class rehearsal / SENIORS' LAST DAY

  • Thursday, May 4: in-class rehearsal / after-school DRESS REHEARSAL

  • Friday, May 5 (half day): FINAL DRESS REHEARSAL (noon-4:00)

  • Friday - Saturday (May 5-6) = DANCE COMPETITION in our Black Box

  • Monday, May 8: no class (no 7th hour)

  • Tuesday, May 9: in-class rehearsal / after-school DRESS REHEARSAL (Band Concert)

  • Wednesday, May 10:  2 SHOWS (6:00 & 8:00)

  • Thursday, May 11:  2 SHOWS (6:00 & 8:00)

  • Discussed:  Shows DURING school? (Tues? Wed? Thurs?)

3.) Discussed research needed for the show.

4.) Began: Find & prepare an "Audition Piece" (FROM The 39 Steps) that you'd like to perform for an audition. (No more than 2-3 people auditioning together, but you can audition alone if you choose).

  • Choose something you'd like the director to SEE.

  • Choose a character/scene that you feel showcases your interest/talent the most.

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