Stagecraft Week 11: What's BACK there?
Costumes & Backstage "Quick Change"
(October 28 - November 1, 2024)
Important terms are in RED.
Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.
Ms. Price provides ALL learning for absent students in a self-directed format. If absent, just read & understand/complete each of the day's activities below. You are EXPECTED to do so BEFORE returning to class.
DAY 1: Intro to Costume Design
1.)Watched a video (Costume Designer - 3:07) and responded in Google Classroom REFLECTION JOURNAL (Journal Title: Costume Designer) about 2 things you learned about costuming/costume design that you were previously unaware of. (If absent, be sure to do this on your own by the end of the week.)
2.) Watched a video (Costume Design in Lion King) and responded in Google Classroom REFLECTION JOURNAL (Journal Title: Beyond Costumes in Lion King) about what was considered with the design/maintenance of costumes in the Lion King - beyond just clothing. (If absent, be sure to do this on your own by the end of the week.)
3.) Students broke into groups and worked to complete the following tasks:
FINISH props table (due by beginning of next class)
COMPLETE groundplan (due by Wednesday)
Be sure the following are outlined in sharpie: cyc, legs, apron, centerline (dashed), plaster line (dashed)
No words or numbers should be on your groundplan.
Be sure you've listed the groundplan info in lower right hand corner.
TAKE/PASS scale mastery test (due by Friday)
Make / paint props (drying racks and watch faces) for fall play (only certain students) - due by Friday
DAY 2: Costumes / Quick Changes
1.) Watched a video (Costume Design in Phantom) and responded to 3 things you learned about costume design from the video. If absent, watch on your own.
2.) Discussed the following:
What types of things, other than costumes, does a costume designer have to think about when designing costumes?
What is a "quick change room"?
What sorts of things (organization, etc.) did you notice in the quick change room featured in the video?
3.) Watched: Journey of the Dress (2:30) and discussed.
4.) Watched: Quick Changes - Mary Poppins (2:06) and also Quick Changes - Groundhog Day - watch if absent!
What are some specific things that make the quick change work more effectively?
What does the actor do and what do the dressers do?
5.) Read: Quick Change Stations (notice what needs to be prepped, and in what order, for a quick change. (If absent, be sure to read/understand!)
6.) Students broke into groups and worked to complete the following tasks:
COMPLETE groundplan (due by Wednesday)
Be sure the following are outlined in sharpie: cyc, legs, apron, centerline (dashed), plaster line (dashed)
No words or numbers should be on your groundplan.
Be sure you've listed the groundplan info in lower right hand corner.
TAKE/PASS scale mastery test (due by Friday)
FINISH props table (due TODAY).
WENT TO the costume room to:
Familiarize yourself with where things are located in our OHS Costume Room
Pull costume pieces for the person in your groupyou plan to "dress" for a quick change.
Students were given:
A costume list
A reading: Quick Change Stations (notice what needs to be prepped, and in what order, for a quick change. (If absent, be sure to read/understand!)
WORK ON making / painting props for fall play (drying racks and watch faces). Only certain students are working on this project - due by Friday.
DAY 3: Wigs, Hair, Make-up
1.) Watched a video (Wicked: Hair & Wig Edition) and discussed. (If absent, please watch.)
2.) Watched Working in the Theatre: Make-up (0:00-10:04) and discussed. (If absent, please watch.)
3.) Reviewed how to set up a Quick Change Station. (If absent, read.)
4.) Students broke into groups and worked to complete the following tasks:
COMPLETE groundplan (due TODAY)
COMPLETE scale master test (due by Friday)
CLEAR props table and return props to prop room.
WENT TO the costume room to pull costume pieces for a quick change
WORK ON making / painting props for fall play (drying racks and watch faces). Only certain students are working on this project - due by Friday.
5.) Practiced quick changes in teams (will compete on Friday against other quick change teams).
DAY 4: Costume Quick Change
1.) Watched a video (Behind the Scenes at Aladdin) and discussed. (If absent, please watch.)
2.) Students broke into groups and worked to complete the following tasks:
COMPLETE scale master test (due TODAY)
REHEARSE a costume quick change in groups.
WORK ON making / painting props for fall play (drying racks and watch faces). Only certain students are working on this project - due by Friday.
3.) Groups competed in a quick change competition (for a grade).
Go Deeper (Optional):
Learn about Costumes...
The Broadway.com Show: ANASTASIA Costume Designer Linda Cho (2:43)
From Page to Stage: Les Miserables Behind the Scenes - Costume (7:07)
Working In The Theatre: Costumes (33:02)
Costume Designer (5:17)