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Stagecraft Week 6:  What's BACK there? 
(Stage Managers, Props, Crew)
September 23-27, 2024

Important terms are in RED.

Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.

If ABSENT, you are REQUIRED to read / understand / do all activities posted for that day, even if it's not an "assignment".  

Day 1:  Specialty Props & Crew

1.) Reminder:  Quiz Re-take is Wednesday.  Let Ms.Price know in advance if you want a re-take.

2.) Reviewed:  Speciality Props 

3.) Observed/Analyzed another speciality prop from OHS's production of Beauty and the Beast:  Maurice's invention

  • looked at both stated and implied info from the script about this prop

  • observed a prototype of this prop (the designer's 3D printed mock-up)

  • watched a video of how the (almost-completed) invention worked

  • observed a photo of the completed prop / finished product

4.) Discussed: Are there any speciality props from your section of the Mary Poppins script?

  • Students were asked to put a star (in script) next to any specialty props discovered in the text

  • Students were asked to highlight (on their Props list spreadsheets in Google Classroom) any specialty props

  • Students were asked to be sure that all STATED and IMPLIED script info is located (underlined) in their scripts and also listed on their Props List Spreadsheets in Google Classroom.

  • If absent, be sure you've done all of the above and turn your script in when you return

5.) Reviewed:  What's Back There? (various backstage roles) and discussed how this week we will also focus on running/deck crew.

6.) Watched a video of running/deck crew moving the Little Mermaid ship in real time backstage.  If absent, watch the entire shift HERE.

7.) Discussed:  

Day 2: Sub

Day 3: Crew / Fly Lines

1.) Reminder:  Quiz Re-take is Wednesday.  Let Ms.Price know in advance if you want a re-take.

2.) Reviewed:  What's Back There? (various backstage roles) and discussed how this week we will also focus on running/deck crew.

3.) Watched and discussed a scene from OHS's production of The Little Mermaid, noting crew roles, spike marks on stage, and the flying of two actors in the shipwreck scene.

4.) Learned about how to spike furniture and set pieces on stage.

5.) Watched a video about fly lines & flying actors on stage.  (If absent, watch the segments of this video that start at 5:20 & 7:45.)

6.) Watched a video that shows the training and flight choreography in OHS's production of The Little Mermaid(If absent, watch HERE.)


7.) Went to the stage and learned about fly lines and safety procedures when using the fly lines.  

  • Students who asked for a quiz re-do stayed classroom to complete.

Day 4:

1.)  Reviewed various crew terms/roles:  props, specialty props, deck/running crew, flying, spiking a set.

2.) Went to the stage and learned about fly lines & scene shifts (in groups), and broke into groups to perform both tasks.


EXPLORE MORE (Optional):

Additional Videos on Props:  

Additional Videos on Special Effects on Stage: 

Additional Videos on Stage Management:


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