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Stagecraft Week 6:  What's BACK there? 
(Stage Managers, Props Masters)
September 23-27, 2024

Important terms are in RED.

Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.

If ABSENT, you are REQUIRED to read / understand / do all activities posted for that day, even if it's not an "assignment".  

Day 1:  (Sub)

Read/do Sub Plans for today's date in Google Classroom (includes graded assignments).

Day 2: Role of SM (Stage Manager) / Intro to Props

1.) Discussed our next unit ("What's Back There?") and how in this unit we will be learning about various backstage roles in theatre. This week's focus will be Stage Managers & Props Masters

2.) Reviewed what you've already learned (last class) about the role of SM's (Stage Managers)

  • Overall function:  Facilitate, supervise, and help make a director's vision reality

  • Pre-Production:  a lot of PAPERWORK (schedules, scene breakdowns, script copies, props lists, etc.)

  • Rehearsal Process: keeping show on track (facilitates director)

  • Once On Stage:  Oversee cast, tech, crew, etc. (fully in charge)

  • Once Show Opens: keep everything "frozen" (same every night) / Maintain director's vision / Call cues

3.) Reviewed: Stage Management terms/tools already learned (last class):

  • callboard

  • "spiking a set"

  • groundplan   (a scaled drawing of the stage/set)

  • spike tape

  • gaff tape

  • glow tape

4.) Watched two videos of SM's "calling cues" during a show (if absent, watch at least 90 seconds of each).  

Discussed as a class the following:

  1. What, specifically, do you notice about HOW each SM calls cues during a production?

  2. What do you notice about WHAT each SM was watching while calling the show?

  3. What SKILLS do you think are needed to "call" a show well?

5.) Watched/discussed a video about the Role of a Props Master (Phantom of the Opera).  If absent, be sure to watch this on your own.)

6.) Discussed:  If you had to gather or make props for a show what is the FIRST thing you'd probably need to do?  (READ THE SCRIPT)

7.) Introduced this year's musical:  Mary Poppins.  Discussed the time/place of the story:  London.  1910. Autumn.

8.)  In pairs, students READ assigned scenes from the musical.  (See reading directions below.)

  • (For songs, go to youtube and type in "Mary Poppins Musical Soundtrack" to help you while reading.)

  • While reading, BOX IN locations described in script (or info important to location/setting).

  • While reading, CIRCLE all props. In addition, UNDERLINE information important to the description of the prop or how it's used by actors.

Day 3: SM & Props

1.) Reviewed:  Role of Stage Manager

2.) Watched a video (Stage Managers: What do they do? - Kinky Boots) and discussed new things learned about Stage Managers.


3.) Watched a video (Working in the Theatre: Prop Masters from 2:10-10:26) and discussed. (If absent, be sure to complete this on your own.)

4.) Observed/Discussed:  Various examples of Props Tables

5.) Reviewed this year's musical:  Mary Poppins.  Discussed the time/place of the story:  London.  1910. Autumn.

6.)  In pairs, students READ assigned scenes from the musical.  (See reading directions below.)

  • (For songs, go to youtube and type in "Mary Poppins Musical Soundtrack" to help you while reading.)

  • While reading, BOX IN locations described in script (or info important to location/setting).

  • While reading, CIRCLE all props. In addition, UNDERLINE information important to the description of the prop or how it's used by actors.

Day 4:

1.) Watched a video (Specialty Props) and discussed problem-solving in prop-making, as well as the various tools and materials used to make props (as shown in the video).  (If absent, watch up to 14:55 on your own.)


​2.) Ms. Price showed the process of creating a speciality prop from last year's musical.  Students observed photos from the process, and were able to interact with the final product.

3.) Discussed specialty props needed for this year's musical:  Mary Poppins.

4.) Watched a video  (Special Effects Props in Mary Poppins - 4:00). and discussed problem-solving with props.

5.) Students worked to complete their script reading/analysis (see yesterday's lesson).

6.) Students were asked to transfer all of their script's marked prop data into a Props List

  • See/complete the following assignment in Google Classroom:  Props List for Mary Poppins.


EXPLORE MORE (Optional):

Additional Videos on Props:  

Additional Videos on Special Effects on Stage: 

Additional Videos on Stage Management:


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