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Today in Acting Class...

Day 9: Thursday, May 5, 2016   (Marking & Rehearsing Blocking)

  • Reviewed what we've done so far (set, climax, beats/build, blocking pattern, detailed blocking

  • Discussed today's learning goals:  1.) Using your character's verbs, make choices about detailed blocking for your scene and correctly mark your blocking in your script.  2.) put your scene "on its feet" (meaning: be rehearsing in the context of your scene - not talking about your scene)

  • Students wrote in their journals about the progress they made toward today's goal  (Day 3 Goal)


Work on final scene performance


Daily Schedule for this Unit...

(from first to last day of unit)

Day 1:  Friday, April 22, 2016  (Wants)

  • Introduced Unit 3:  "...aaand Scene!".  

    • Discussed unit question ("What does acting teach us about the human condition?")

    • Ms. Price passed out Scene Study Rubric for students' participation in one scene study.  (Students will fill out a Reflection question after participating in their chosen scene study.)

    • Ms. Price passed out Unit 3 Schedule.

    • Discussed that for our final unit we will be doing various "Scene Studies" (click for definition/description).  All students are required to participate in one scene study for the unit. 

  • Discussed a "working definition" for acting in our final unit:  Acting = living truthfully under imaginary circumstances.

  • Reviewed the term "subtext" (the meaning BENEATH the lines - what's REALLY going on in a scene)

  • Reviewed concepts from previously watched  "Wants" Video.  Reviewed how "wants" are the building blocks of believable acting.

  • Disussed today's learning goals:  1.)  to give your best effort in analyzing a character's wants,  2.) to effectively express a character's wants as actable verbs.

  • Students were given their first "Scene Study" scene:  To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday.  Ms. Price explained that when first looking at a new scene you must

    1. read for understanding / relationships

    2. determine your "set" (gives actors boundaries and things to "work off of")   

    3. determine your character's WANTS (i.e. What does the character want to do to the other character with his/her chosen words?)

    4. express the character's want as a verb, such as "to interrogate" or "to welcome" or "to belittle"  (then try to SHOW that verb in the ACTION of the scene)

      • ​note:  set = objects or furniture used on stage to represent location of a play or scene

  • Students were given class time to work with a partner and write 10 actable verbs on their scripts - students TURNED IN SCRIPTS before leaving.

  • Ms. Price went over students' final acting project.  Click HERE for Assignment Sheet & Rubrics.  Click HERE and scroll down to "Final Performance Scenes" in order to choose a scene to perform with a partner.


None (before leaving, students turned in 10 verbs from To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday)




Day 2: Monday, April 25, 2016  (wants, obstacles, & tactics)

  • Disussed today's learning goals:  1.)  to give your best effort in analyzing a character's wants,  2.) to effectively express a character's wants as actable verbs.

  • Ms. Price passed back students' verbed scenes (graded):  To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday 

  • Ms. Price gave tips for choosing strong verbs in a scene.  (For a refresher, you can watch portions of the video "KP's Theatre Class - Wants" - start at 3:45).

  • Students reviewed their verb choices and were told that they could correct weak or non-actable verbs to turn in for additional points.  (This will be due in two classes.)

  • Ms. Price explained that "we don't always get what we want!" - When a character doesn't get what (s)he wants, it's usually because of an obstacle in the scene.  Characters come up with different tactics to overcome obstacles in any scene...these TACTICS are usually the verbs in the scene.

    • (Example:  In To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday, Rachel tries to remind David that they have company so that she can hopefully get her father inside.  When that tactic doesn't work she tries to confront David.  When that tactic doesn't work, she tries to challenge David.  When that tactic doesn't work, she tries to upset David by telling him she wishes it was her that was dead.  And so on.  Finally, at the end of the scene, she does not overcome the obstacles, and she tries to release David, recognizing his grief is too great.  She then finds solace in her mother's presence instead.) 

  • Discussed how when one TACTIC doesn't work, a character basically has 4 choices:  1.) try the same thing (usually doesn't get results - both in real life and on stage), 2.) try the same thing but "up the anty" (instead of to ask, the character might try to beg or to plead) 3.) try a different tactic, 4.) give up

  • Ms. Price directed portions of To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday with volunteer actors, giving the class decisions to make about blocking while using their chosen verbs.


If you would like to re-do your verb choices in To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday, do so - due in two classes class.  (Ms. Price will only collect on WEDNESDAY - not after that.)




Day 3: Tuesday, April 26, 2016   (Beats & Stage Business)

  • Discussed final acting project.  (a scene performance with a partner)  To choose a scene to perform for your final performance, go to - click EDUCATOR, ACTING, UNIT 3, then scroll down  to "FINAL PERFORMANCE SCENES".  Must choose a scene and a partner by tomorrow.  (For a description of each scene, click HERE.)

  • Ms. Price passed out Task Sheet & Rubrics for students' final scene performance.  

  • Discussed today's learning goals:  1.) to fully participate (listening, suggestions, volunteering, marking scripts, etc.) in today's scene studies.  2.) to effectively express a character's wants, obstacles, and tactics in a scene.

  •  Reviewed wants, obstacles, and tactics.

  • Students learned about "beats".  (A "beat" in a script is a "unit - or chunck - of action with a specific intention")

  • Ms. Price helped students break down the scene To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday into beats.  (Students marked beats in script.)  If ABSENT today, be sure to see Ms. Price for help with this concept!

  • Students learned about "naming" beats (assigning a "title" to each).

  • Ms. Price passed out Scene Study #2:  Proof  (While reading, the class marked beats - as shown in script.)

  • After reading for understanding/relationships, class discusssed "set" for this scene and how to develop blocking (coordination of character movement) and stage business (character actions) in the scene.  

  • Ms. Price introduced the concept of an "opening beat" (a beat that opens a scene and helps establish the characters and setting before the characters even speak)

  • Ms. Price directed the opening beat of Proof with volunteer actors, giving the class decisions to make about blocking, character, and action in the scene as she directed.


1.)  If you'd like to re-do your verbing assingment for the To Gillian scene, do so for TOMORROW (will not accept after that)

2.) Be sure to pick your partner & your scene for your final acting project by TOMORROW!




Day 4: Wednesday, April 27, 2016  (Blocking)

  • Students signed up for their desired final scenes.   (For a description of each scene, click HERE.)

  • Ms. Price passed out Scene Study #3:  Rumors 

  • Read Rumors as a class and discussed the opening beat of the show.  

  • Staged/blocked the opening beat of Rumors as a class.  Volunteer actresses performed opening beat with stage business.

  • Discussed today's learning goals:  1.) to fully participate (listening, suggestions, volunteering, marking scripts, etc.) in today's scene studies.  2.) to effectively make blocking choices in a scene.

  • Watched a video (KP's Theatre Class - Blocking) and took notes.  Discussed blocking principles while watching.





Day 5:  Thursday, April 28, 2016 (Build / Climax)

  • Students who haven't done so already signed up for their desired final scenes.   (For a description of each scene, click HERE.)

  • Discussed today's learning goals:  1.) to fully participate (listening, suggestions, volunteering, marking scripts, etc.) in today's scene studies.  2.) to develop the blocking pattern for a scene.

  • Finished watching video: KP's Theatre Class - Blocking and took notes.  Discussed.

  • Ms. Price passed out Scene Study #5:  Steel Magnolias

  • Discussed set & stage business options for Steel Magnolias as a class then watched/analyzed the scene.  (click for video)

  • Read the scene 1984 in preparation for next class.


1.) Have a copy of your chosen scene (for your final performance) on Monday.  (If you don't have a printer or internet, see Ms. Price BEFORE Monday.)

2.)  Verb 10-15 of YOUR character's lines (on your printed script).

3.)  If you don't understand what your final scene is about, do a little research online (description of play, research on characters, videos to watch, etc.).



Day 6: Monday, May 2, 2016  (Blocking Patterns)

  • Ms. Price reminded students of homework:  Verb 15 of YOUR character's lines for your Final Scene (if you didn't get this done for today, you MUST have done tomorrow.)

  • Ms Price passed out Exam Study Guides to those who wanted them. 

  • Reviewed terms:  blocking, obligatory blocking, blocking patterns, detailed blocking, set, groundplan, stage business

  • Discussed today's learning goals:  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to create a blocking pattern for a scene that shows build.

  • Reviewed the scene 1984 and discussed what the "set" should be for the scene

  • Determined the climax for 1984 (with partners) and marked that moment with a star.

  • Did an acting activity that resulted in the "blocking pattern" for 1984.  (Students worked with a partner as Ms. Price led partners through a series of steps.)


15 of YOUR character's lines verbed (if you haven't done so already)




Day 7: Tuesday, May 3, 2016  (Blocking Patterns)

  • Reminders:  1.) You should have 15 of YOUR character's lines verbed for rehearsal today 2.) Be sure to check your Theatre Hours Due dates!

  • Discussed today's learning goals:  1.) to make choices about set/props  2.) to create a blocking pattern that shows build in a scene

  • Reviewed yesterday's work on 1984:  determine set, choose climax (mark with a star); find beats to create blocking pattern

  • Discussed (with scene partner) your final scene:  wants, obstacles, tactics, & what your scene "tells" you about the human condition

  • Ms. Price gave students time to rehearse their final scenes with the following schedule:  

    • determine the set for your final scene (draw on set plan)

    • determine the climax of your final scene (mark with a star)

    • mark your scene's beats

    • determine the blocking pattern of your scene (using your beats)

  • Students showed their blocking pattern at the end of class with an activity led by Ms. Price

  • Students wrote in their journals about the progress they made toward today's goal  (Day 1 Goal)


Ticket out the door:  your scene (with 15 lines verbed), your scene's set plan, your journal (Day 1 Goal)



Day 8: Wednesday, May 4, 2016   (Marking & Rehearsing Blocking)

  • Reviewed yesterday's work (blocking pattern).

  • Discussed "what's left" to work on when planning for a scene performance:  detailed blocking (i.e. stage business and the character-revealing blocking choices that give your scene depth & believability). 

  • Discussed the way to create believable detailed blocking is to USE VERBS to make blocking choices in your scene.  (i.e. Discuss with partner and try various ways to SHOW the verbs in the scene until you feel your blocking choices are natural & believable.)

  • Ms. Price gave a refresher on how to correctly mark blocking choices in a script.  (Remember, you must write down your blocking IN PENCIL in your script.)

  • Discussed today's learning goal:  Using your character's verbs, make choices about detailed blocking for your scene and correctly mark your blocking in your script.

  • Ms. Price gave students time to rehearse with their partners, with the following schedule:  

    • work on the detailed blocking in your scene (using your verbs) - be sure to write your blocking choices in your script!

  • Students wrote in their journals about the progress they made toward today's goal  (Day 2 Goal)

  • Ms. Price gave students an opportunity to turn in anything that they didn't yesterday (verbed lines, set plan, journal)


Work on final scene performance



Day 9: Thursday, May 5, 2016   (Marking & Rehearsing Blocking)

  • Reviewed what we've done so far (set, climax, beats/build, blocking pattern, detailed blocking

  • Discussed today's learning goals:  1.) Using your character's verbs, make choices about detailed blocking for your scene and correctly mark your blocking in your script.  2.) put your scene "on its feet" (meaning: be rehearsing in the context of your scene - not talking about your scene)

  • Students wrote in their journals about the progress they made toward today's goal  (Day 3 Goal)


Work on final scene performance



Day 10:  Thursday, May 5, 2016  (Character)

  • Ms. Price collected Theatre Hours

  • Questions in a jar

  • Discussed today's learning goals:  1.) to make strong character choices (physical) and find ways to effectively SHOW those choices in your scene.  2.) to use your entire rehearsal time effectively.

  • Ms. Price had students determine their Laban Movement choice and write it on their rubrics.

  • Ms. Price gave students time to rehearse with their partners, with the following schedule:  

    • determine the blocking pattern of your scene (using your beats) 

    • work on the detailed blocking in your scene (using your verbs) - be sure to write your blocking choices in your script!

    • work on discussing and trying different ways to show your character physically in the scene


Work on final scene performance



SENIORS PERFORM:  Tuesday, May 10


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