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Scene Descriptions
(for final scene performances)

     Scenes with 2 males:

  • Of Mice & Men  (dramatic but light; click title for script)

    • ​This play tells the story of George & Lennie...two displaced migrant ranch workers during the Great Depression in California.  Lennie, an extremely large and strong man has limited mental abilities and is "looked after" by George.  Both hope to one day attain their shared dream of settling down on their own piece of land.

  • Duck Hunter Shoots Angel  (comedic; click title for script)

    • Duck Hunter Shoots Angel is the uproarious story of two bumbling Alabama brothers who have never shot a duck but think they shot an angel.  Sent to investigate the sensational story, a cynical tabloid journalist and his reluctant photographer (who don't believe any of it), find themselves deep in an Alabama swamp where flashbacks of their own lives lead them to more truth than they were ready to discover.  In this scene, the two Alabama duck hunters (Duwane & Duwell) have just shot what they think is an angel, and they both fear for their lives.

  • The Odd Couple (option #1 - comedic; click title for script)

  • The Odd Couple (option #2 - comedic; click title for script)

  • The Odd Couple (option #3 - comedic; click title for script)

  • The Odd Couple (option #4 - comedic; click title for script)

  • The Odd Couple (option #5 - comedic; click title for script)

    • Felix Ungar, a neurotic neat freak newswriter is thrown out by his wife and moves in with his friend Oscar Madison, a slovenly sportswriter.  Despite Oscar's problems - careless spending, excessive gambling, a poorly kept house filled with spoiled food - he seems to enjoy life.  Felix, however, seems utterly incapable of enjoying anything and only firnds purpose in pointing out his own and other peoples' mistakes and foibles.  The mismatched friends' frustrations build to a boil in this comedy until eventually they both learn from eachother's ways.


  • 1984 (dramatic & intense; click title for script)

    • In a future dystopian society where all things (including thoughts) are controlled by the all-powerful government ("the Party"), and every action is watched on camera and scrutinized by "Big Brother", Winston fiercely holds on to his individuality despite the mental re-programming (torture) he must endure.  In this scene Winston, after a long imprisonment, is challenged by "the Party's" leader, O'Brien.​

Scenes with 1  male & 1  female:

  • Rabbit Hole (dramatic; click title for script)

    • ​After the death of their son, Becca and Howie Corbett's world is upside down and the couple is drifting perilously apart.  The play charts their bittersweet search for comfort in the darkest of places and for a path that will lead them back to the light of day.  

  • Of Mice & Men  (dramatic/intense; click title for script)

    • This play tells the story of George & Lennie...two displaced migrant ranch workers during the Great Depression in California. ​ Lennie, an extremely large and strong man has limited mental abilities and is "looked after" by George.  Both hope to one day attain their shared dream of settling down on their own piece of land.  In this scene, Lennie and "Curly's wife" are having a conversation with which they are both very much in their own worlds.  In a dramatic climax, Lennie accidentally kills Curly's wife and fears George's disapproval.  (Note:  This is a difficult scene to "pull off".  Only actors dedicated to excellence should choose this scene.  If desired, Ms. Price can help you!)

  • The Crucible (dramatic; click title for script)

    • ​Set in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 (just prior to the "Salem Witch Trials"), The Crucible tells the story of a pious community that is unknowingly caught in the crosshairs of a young girl's lust and deceit.  Abigail Williams, a girl of 16 whose innocence was lost to a local farmer (John Proctor), convinces the community that "the devil is loose in Salem" in order to cover up for her "sins" of dancing in the woods and "drinking a charm" to kill Proctor's wife. One by one, blameless victims are accused of witchcraft and hysteria is born.  When the accusation of witchcraft falls on Elizabeth Proctor, a devout Christian woman, John Proctor seeks to find a way to right his wrongs before it's too late.

  • Proof  

    • ​In Proof, Catherine, a young woman who has spent years caring for her brilliant but unstable father, Robert, must deal not only with his death but also with the arrival of her estranged sister (Claire) and with the attentions of Hal, a former student of her father's who hopes to find valuable work in the notebooks that Robert left behind.  However, when Hal finds a supposedly unsolvable "proof" in Robert's office, he questions whether the mathematical genius mind of Catherine's late father was still functioing in his final days...or whether Catherine solved the proof herself, as she claims.  But the greater question for Catherine centers on which trait of her father she will eventually inherit:  his genius, or his insanity?​

  • The Diary of Anne Frank  - Anne dares to dream of a brighter future with her friend, Peter, as young love blossoms

  • The Diary of Anne Frank  Anne shares her fears and her shortcomings with her father (Pim)

    • ​​Set in Nazi-occupied Amsterdam, The Diary of Anne Frank chronicles the life of a 13-year old Jewish girl while she lives in hiding in an attic with her sister, parents, a dentist, and three members of another family.  Over more than two years, Anne Frank wrote about her feelings, fears, and relationships in her diary...which was the only piece of Anne to live on past the war. 

  • Wit

    • ​The play Wit takes place during the final hours of Dr.Vivian Bearing's life.  Dr. Bearing was a Univeristy professor of English and in her final hours with an agressive cancer, she recalls the initial diagnosis with her doctor (Dr. Kelekian), who proposes an agressivee experimental chemotherapy regimen. 



Scenes with 2 females:

  • Proof  (dramatic; click title for script)

    • ​In Proof, Catherine, a young woman who has spent years caring for her brilliant but unstable father, Robert, must deal not only with his death but also with the arrival of her estranged sister (Claire) who wishes to take her back to New York due to Catherine's depressed and unstable mental state. 

  • Steel Magnolias (dramatic; click title for script) 

    • Shelby, a spirited woman in her 20's, who has been warned by doctors to avoid pregnancy (due to her medical condition) has come home for her town's annual Christmas festival and is (cautiously) excited to announce to her mother (M'Lynn) that she and her husband are pregnant. ​


  • Ascension Day

    • Two sisters attend a Lutheran Bible Camp together - where the older sister (Faith) is a junior counselor to her younger sister (Charity).  The previous year, Faith had experienced a profound change in her life through her experiences at the camp, and she hopes the same for her younger sister as they embark on their week of camp together.

  • 'Night Mother  (dramatic/intense)  - Not an option this year due to sensitive topics











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