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Acting Unit  2:  Story

Humans, and their stories, are interconnected.

What questions will help to drive our exploration in this unit?

                       Q1:  What does a great story "look" like?                              

          Q2:  What moves a story forward?                           



What key concept is important in this unit?

FORM (the study of the "shape" and underlying structure of a piece of work)



What related concepts (to form) will we focus on in this unit?

narrative, role, interpretation



Which global context will help us explore important ideas in this unit?



What "approaches to learning" (i.e. strategies & skills) will we use frequently in this unit?




What RUBRICS will be used to asseess students in this Unit?

Rubric #1:  Thinking Creatively-con't  (used to assess students' abilitly to develop, perform, & articulate their artistic intentions in 4 original scenes)

Rubric #2:  Developing Skills  (used to assess students' acquisition & development of skills while participating in 4 different improvised scenes*)


*A Reflection is required for each time you participate in Improv.  After 4 times participating (and after all 4 reflections are turned in), you will receive a rubric grade for "Developing Skills".





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